国际工程教育论坛是由清华大学、中国工程院、联合国教科文组织共同创办的系列国际性学术会议,旨在汇集全球工程教育、工程科技、工程管理领域的知名学者和杰出领袖,共同研讨工程教育的创新发展,促进世界工程科技和社会的进步,应对全球性重大挑战。论坛每两年举办一次,自2018年首次举办以来,至今已举办3届。 第四届国际工程教育论坛由清华大学和联合国教科文组织共同主办,将与2024清华设计科学大会结合,就传统工科的转型发展与面向未来的工科人才培养展开充满创新活力的全球性对话,推动城市人居可持续、工程教育、跨学科合作等议题的深入交流。论坛以“当代城市更新:多态数据融合的空间智能”为总主题,设置两组八个平行论坛,分别以能力评价、决策科学、工程技术、计算科学、学位认证、认知科学、历史遗产、数据科学为主题,汇聚相关领域的学者专家进行前沿探讨与学术分享。 The International Forum on Engineering Education is a biennial international academic event co-founded by Tsinghua University, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and UNESCO. The Forum will bring together renowned scholars and leaders in the field of engineering education, engineering technology and technology management from all over the world, to have profound discussions of the innovation and development of engineering education, promoting the world's frontier scientific and technological innovation and taking the initiative to meet the major global scientific and technological challenges. The first three forums were held at Tsinghua University in September 2018, December 2020 and December 2022 respectively. The Fourth Forum will be held in conjunction with the 2024 Tsinghua Design Science Conference. This prestigious event will foster global dialogue on the transformation and development of engineering, alongside the cultivation of future-oriented engineering talent. Centered around the theme "Polymorphism: Urban Intelligence in the Foreseeable Future", eight focused sessions will explore themes including competency evaluation, decision science, engineering technology, computing science, degree evaluation, cognitive science, historical heritage, and data science. The forum will bring together leading scholars and experts to exchange insights and share knowledge, driving the future of urban renewal and intelligent space development.