Position: Home> Agenda > Presidents Session
University President Forum B(9:00-10:20)Function Room, 4F, Wenjin Hotel
Keynote Speeches on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development
Hosted by:Gong Ke ( President-Elect of WFEO )
Speeches by:
1. Wang Shuguo (President, Xi’an Jiaotong University)(8:30-8:45)
2. Kazuya Masu ( President, Tokyo Institute of Technology )(8:45-9:00)
3. Guo Dongming (Member of CAE; President, Dalian University of Technology)(9:00-9:15)
4. Guido Saracco (President, Turin Polytechnic University)(9:15-9:30)
5. Zhao Ji (President,Northeastern University) (9:30-9:45)