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ICEE holds the “Engineering Education for Sustainable Development and Digital Transformation” Sub-forum of the 3rd International Forum on Engineering Education

December 7-9, 2022, the 3rd International Forum on Engineering Education 2022 (IFEE 2022), was jointly organized by Tsinghua University, C...【Details】


Panel D 2: Diversity: Are We Making Progress?

    Cultivating High-Quality Talents with Sustainable Development Capacity for the Rapidly Changing World Liu Xiaoqu...【Details】


Panel D 1: Engineering Ethics in the Modern Era

    Chemical Engineering Ethics Education Zhao Jinsong Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua Universit...【Details】


Panel C 2: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education

    Technology Interdisciplinary Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education at Tsinghua University Li Shuangshou Di...【Details】


Panel C 1: Academic Best Practice

    Academic Best Practice Panel---Online Laboratories Timothy Drysdale Chair of Technology Enhanced Science Educati...【Details】


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