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Huayue Education Group Visits ICEE

On August 14, 2024, ZHONG Zhiwei, President of Huayue Education Group, along with his entourage, visited the International Centre for Engi...【Details】


ICEE Co-hosts the First Event of the Series on Cultivating Outstanding Engineers From a Global Perspective

July 6, 2024, a Series of Events on Cultivating Outstanding Engineers from a Global Perspective kicked off at Ziqing Building, Tsinghua Un...【Details】


ICEE‘s Base of Global Leadership Development Supports Talent Development for Digital Transformation of Ports in “Belt and Road Initiative” Countries

On June 19, 2024, the “Belt and Road Initiative” International Training Course on Port Digital Transformation kicked off in Be...【Details】


A Seminar of ICEE Base of Future Science and Technology Education Held in Guangdong

On June 12, 2024, a seminar of ICEE Base of Future Science and Technology Education (the base) was held at Huayue Art School, Guangdong Pr...【Details】


China International Cooperation Association of SMEs Visits ICEE

On May 27, 2024, China International Cooperation Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (CICASME) visited the International Centre fo...【Details】


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