Dr Gan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of the Built Environment at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and he serves as Deputy Director of DBE's Centre for 5G Digital Building Technology and the Centre for Project and Facilities Management. He was previously a Research Assistant Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, a Visiting Lecturer at Imperial College London, a Guest Lecturer at University College London, a Visiting Researcher at Purdue University. He holds bachelor's degrees in engineering management and architecture, and MSc and PhD degrees in Civil Engineering.
Dr Gan's research focuses on advancing Building Information Modelling (BIM) technologies by integrating robotics with LiDAR and image-based sensing to enable robust, high-precision reality capture and automated 3D modelling of buildings and infrastructures. He also works in computational optimisation, focusing on linking as-built geometric models with high structural performance. Recognised among the Top 2% Scientists Worldwide by Stanford University, Dr Gan has made a profound impact through his research, leading eight major research grants totalling S$2.2M and publishing 70 high-quality, influential works.