Professor Qionglin Liang got his Sc.B (2000) and Ph.D(2005) at Department of Chemistry,Tsinghua University, and then served hereas assistant professor, associate professor and full professor sequentially. His research interests focused on bio/pharm-inspired analytical science, such asorgan on a chip, multi- omics analysis and their application in biomedicine and pharmacology.He holds over 10 patents and haspublished over 100 peer-reviewed papersas the corresponding authorwith over5000 citationsinWeb of Science,co-authored 4 research monographsandsharedtriceof NationalPrize (2ndrank) forScience and Technology Advancement. He has been elected as Secretary-General of Chinese Association of Pharmaceutical Analysis Technology,Chair of the Committee of Young Scientists of Beijing Physical & Chemistry Testing Technology Society,andVice Chair of the Committee of Young Scientists of China Association of Instrumental Analysis (CAIA).