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University President Forum B:Engineering Education for Sustainable Development



Integrated Development of University & Society

Wang Shuguo

President, Xi’an Jiaotong University

    The current situation at home and abroad has undergone profound changes, which brings historical opportunities and enormous challenges to tertiary education. Universities should bear in mind the historical mission of leading the society, adhere to open education, and deeply integrate with the society. Standing at the leading edge of the world's science and technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University answers the major calls of the country, serves the main battlefield of the national economy so as to continuously deepen reforms to innovate institutional mechanisms, initiate the establishment of the "Silk Road University Alliance", and create a technological innovation port in western China, with aim to promote university education quality, cultivate top talent, produce first class outcomes, and establish a great university.



Engineering Education from the perspective of Tokyo Tech

Kazuya Masu, President

Tokyo Institute of Technology

      Japan has a developed engineering education system. In the long history and recent educational reform, Tokyo Institute of Technology has played an important role in the formation of Japanese engineering education system. The education system of Tokyo Institute of Technology can achieve a seamless link between bachelor's degree and master's degree and doctor's degree. Our professional courses are organized around lectures, experiments and practices to provide students with professional knowledge and skills education in a spiral way. Tokyo Institute of Technology also attaches great importance to making all students experience and carry out research as soon as possible. Our goal is to train leaders in the field of Engineering Science and technology.We have set up the Laboratory for Design of Social Innovation in Global Networks (DLab) in the hope of creating a new era of science and technology through these new initiatives and training a new generation of global engineering and engineering education leader.



Engineering Education for Sustainable Development: Cultivate Future Excellent Engineers and Engineering Scientists 

Guo Dongming

President, Dalian University of Technology

     What kind of engineers should be cultivated for sustainable development? The ability of the engineer should be included: value judgment, comprehensive innovation, international competitiveness, lifelong learning. For sustainable development, we should hold the innovative nature, inheriting the practice tradition and promoting integration and innovation of engineering education. Facing sustainable future, Dalian University of Technology has explored and practiced a lot. First, Dalian University of Technology has upgrade the cultivation aims and orientation and insisted “the idea of pan-engineering”. Second, the university has strengthen construction of engineering subjects, engineering practice education and innovation and entrepreneurship education. Third, the university has cultivated engineering talents with international perspective, including the executive of “Internationalization Improving Strategy”, develop student internationalization and promote standard authentication of international engineering education. Facing the future, Dalian University of Technology is committed to developing world-class engineering education with Chinese characteristics and cultivating excellent engineers and engineering scientists leading the future.



Engineering Education for Sustainable Development

Guido Saracco

President, Turin Polytechnic University

      Engineering education should integrate the goal of sustainable development into the curriculum design. To achieve the goal of sustainable development, we need to go out of the original occupational comfort zone and enter a space of self-expansion and innovation. In order to promote the goal of sustainable development, the Turin Polytechnic University has been trying to reform in the past few years. In terms of research, a number of interdisciplinary and interdepartmental centers have been established based on the needs of interdisciplinary education. We jointly carry out large-scale projects to solve problems jointly. Through this way, we can cultivate students' ability to innovate and break the boundaries of thinking. In the aspect of education and teaching, innovative teaching is carried out based on the methods of challenge-driven and problem-oriented. We hope that all research and education will be consistent with the goal of sustainable development and meet the needs of social development.



Intercrossing Interconnection Integration: Promoting the Re-opening and Re-innovation of the Engineering Education

Zhao Ji

President, Northeastern University

    Contemporary engineering education is confronted with various challenges brought by many aspects such as knowledge growth, industrial transformation, intelligence, and discipline integration. In the face of these challenges, engineering education calls for openness, innovation, crossover, cross-border and integration. The university should stick to openness in ideas, overseas exchanges, industries, disciplines, courses, knowledge systems innovation and education management. 

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