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Panel B 1: Innovation of Engineering Education in the AI era



Roadmap and Teaching Practice for Innovation Capability Building

in Mechanical Products Design

Yang Huayong

Dean, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University

Design is the foundation for the development of manufacturing. Innovative design is the soul of design and holds the key for China’s manufacturing industry to grow from a follower to a leader and to transform and upgrade. Fast and sustained development of China’s manufacturing industry has made in recent years. Yet compared with world-leading enterprises, it is weak in innovative design capability, lacking core technology and self-owned brands. The key is to nurture talents of innovative design in mechanical products. School of Mechanical Engineering has centering on innovative design capability in engineering and breaking through practice teaching enhancement, while utilizing “Synergy in Three Aspects” methods bring about “Roadmap for Building Innovation Capability in Designing Mechanical Products”. There are two steps needed for innovative talent cultivation. Step 1: New system of series of courses, cooperative teaching of multiple courses. Step 2: Cooperative teaching combining theory courses and various links of practice.



Application of Artificial Intelligence in MOOC

Tang Jie

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) boomed in recent years and have attracted millions of users worldwide. For example XuetangX.com, a platform similar to Coursear and edX, is offering thousands of courses to more than 10,000,000 registered users. However the completion ratio is always very low. In order to improve learning efficiency, we have developed an intelligent learning assistant Small MOOC, which can not only answer questions and solve puzzles for learners, but also interact actively with learners, thus breaking the bottleneck of lack of effective communication between teachers and students. Small MOOC can realize the functions of making learning plans, prompting learning progress, knowledge point analysis, providing learning materials, entertaining interaction and so on. It has truly become a learning partner for learners as well as teachers and friends.



Learning and Applying AI in Engineering Education, Research, and Practice

Ken Dunstan

Education & Channel Business Manager, Asia Pacific, Mathworks


What is Industry Asking of Us? For examples, such as easy to use; high performance implementation; lots of application examples; supported by robust workflows for complex system development. Mathworks is a leading software developer and supplier with computing and model-based design in the world. Mathworks now also focuses on deep learning, with a deep learning kit which can be used and taught at all universities. Mathworks hopes to help engineers and scientists acquire the skills to use AI and has been working to make it easier and easier for engineers and scientists to use AI in their work processes. AI is a big trend in the future, so more people need to learn AI and how to use it. Engineers, scientists and AI experts should work together.



Research on Doctoral Training and Artificial Intelligence of Imperial College

Omar K. Matar

Vice Dean (Education), Faculty of Engineering,Imperial College London


Imperial College is unique in the UK in its exclusive focus on science, engineering, medicine and business. This enables us to develop strength in core disciplines and strong cross-disciplinary collaborations. Imperial is the UK’s top science, engineering and medicine research collaborator with China. Imperial researchers have co-authored more than 3,000 publications with their Chinese peers over the past five years. Imperial has 2,600 Chinese students – the largest group other than UK. Imperial College have the centres for doctoral training.It integrated 1+3 MRes and PhD programme lasting 4-years. The centres’s aim is to champion world class research with an eye to applications in industry, commerce and healthcare. Students have multiple supervisors from multiple departments. Imperial College have the partners directly with industry, including co-supervision. We have the high interest to recruit international students. On Artificial Intelligence, Imperial College have good cooperation with the Turing Institute.  



Hatching New Engineers

---Actions Taken and Rewards Gained in NPU-ME

Jiang Jianjun

Deputy Dean, School of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Facing the future, outstanding engineers need to have a wide range of knowledge, strong hands-on ability, rich practical experience and high ability to use tools. Responsing to new requirements of talents cultivation, school of mechanical engineering, northwestern polytechnical university focuses on elements of cultivating the top creative talents, regards education of engineering ability as the main line, adheres to the personnel training mode --the management quality and artistic thinking as the two wings, and makes full use of advantaged resources, teaching resources, scientific research and practical resources, to cultivate the outstanding engineering and technical talents.



Talent Education & Academic Cooperation

——JDAI’s Thinking & Practice

He Xiaodong

Deputy Managing Director of JD AI Research, Technical Vice President, JD.com


The development of Jingdong artificial intelligence includes three elements: basic research of artificial intelligence, the application and implementation of artificial intelligence in Jingdong scenes, and the business model innovation of artificial intelligence. Behind the development and application of AI technology, close cooperation between academia and industry is indispensable. Jingdong is committed to promoting the development of artificial intelligence technology and cultivating innovative talents. Jingdong AI research institute has created a series of industry-university-research cooperation projects to attract the academic community to explore the innovative application of artificial intelligence with Jingdong. JD AI also establishes a perfect AI course system, which can fully understand the needs of new artificial intelligence talents and targetedly set courses.

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