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ICEE Fully and Deeply Involves in the Revision of International Standards for Engineering Education

ICEE Fully and Deeply Involves in the Revision of International Standards for Engineering Education

From September 9 to 14, themed “To Promote the Concept and Application of Sustainable Development in Engineering Practices”, the 31st FEIAP General Assembly & the 7th Special Distinguished Lectures took place in Myanmar. The experts present at the meeting conducted exchanges and discussions on implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, promoting the reform of engineering education, and strengthening engineering capacity building.

31st FEIAP General Assembly & 7th Special Distinguished Lectures

During the meeting, Elizabeth Taylor, Chair of the Washington Accord, International Engineering Alliance (IEA), and Marlene Kanga, former President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), respectively introduced the revision of the international standard of IEA’s Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies (GAPC). They also expressed their gratitude to ICEE for its participation in the revision of GAPC and for the translation of the standard into the official language of the United Nations.

Marlene Kanga introduces the revision of GAPC

Elizabeth Taylor introduces the revision of GAPC

In September 2019, the International Centre for Engineering Education under the auspices of UNESCO (ICEE) was invited to join the expert working group of WFEO and fully participated in the revision of the international standard of IEA GAPC. This standard is the most influential international benchmark in the field of engineering education worldwide, serving as the foundation for the mutual recognition of engineering education and professional engineer qualifications in more than 30 countries and regions. The new standard was approved by IEA in June 2021.

Moreover, as a member of the joint Working Group, ICEE was also entrusted by WFEO and IEA to translate the English version of GAPC into the five other official UN language. In June, 2023, the versions of the GAPC standard framework in UN’s six official languages were officially released by IEA. Both IEA and WFEO respectively issued acknowledgements on their official websites and appreciated ICEE for its significant contributions to this work.

ICEE was invited to fully and deeply participate in the revision of the international standard of IEA GAPC. It has played a pivotal role in improving the quality of engineering education and promoting the international mobility of engineers, and has made contributions to the advancement of global engineering education.

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