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ICEE Participates in International Engineering Alliance Workshops 2022

ICEE Participates in International Engineering Alliance Workshops 2022

October 2-6, 2022, Engineers Ireland hosted the International Engineering Alliance (IEA) Workshops 2022 in Killarney, Ireland. IEA annual business meetings have occurred online in 2020, 2021 and 2022. This is the first physical meeting since IEAM Hong Kong 2019. Dr. XU Lihui, Assistant Secretary General of ICEE and Dr. WANG Yujia, Post-doctoral Research Associate of the Institute of Education, Tsinghua University attended the meeting. The Chinese delegation members also includes FANG Siping, Director of the Center for Professional Training and Services Scientific and Technological Personnel Service, China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Prof. GU Peihua, Executive Member of China Engineering Education Accreditation Association (CEEAA) and Director of the Academic Committee of CEEAA, Dr. ZHU Lin, Associate Professor of Tianjin University and Manager of the International Affairs Department of the CEEAA Secretariat, and GAO Xuewen, Officer of the Center for Professional Training and Services Scientific and Technological Personnel Service, CAST.

The IEA Workshops 2022 is divided into the IEA all members meeting and separated Accord and Agreement members meeting. Prof. Elizabeth Taylor, Chair of the Washington Accord and Deputy Chair of the IEA Governing Group, Prof. Kai Sang Lock, Deputy Chair of the Washington Accord, Dr. Ohyang Kwon-Sydney Chair of the Sydney Accord, Mr. Damien Owens, Chair of the International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA) and Chair of the IEA Governing Group, Mr. Craig Price, Deputy Chair of IPEA, Ms. Patty Mamola, Chair of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Engineer Agreement (APEC EA) , AIRCDRE Anker Brodersen, Deputy Chair of APEC EA, Ms. Katy Turff, Chair of the International Engineering Technologists Agreement (IETA), as well as Dr. Marlene Kanga (online), Past-President of World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) and Prof. A. Bulent Ozguler (online), Chair of the IEA-WFEO Working Group on Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies (GAPC) , who made detailed reports and in-depth discussions on IEA development strategy, international cooperation, GAPC revision and implementation plan and other topics respectively. The workshop also discussed Accord and Agreement review process refinement, the promotion of international mobility of engineers, Agreement rule development and Agreement reviewer training development.

IEA Workshops 2022 Scene

During the workshop, ICEE had a deep understanding of the procedures for joining the IEA international mutual recognition agreements, had in-depth exchanges with many experts, and established contacts with engineering education associations and engineering councils in many countries and regions.
The International Engineering Alliance is a global not-for-profit organization, which comprises members from 41 jurisdictions within 29 countries, across seven international agreements. These international agreements sets multi-lateral mutual recognition of engineering education and engineers' professional competence.

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