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WFEO Webinar on Climate Change

WFEO Webinar on Climate Change

WFEO will organize a webinar on Climate Change on 5 December 2022, at 12:00 pm GMT / 13:00 pm CET.

- Davide Stronati, Director of Sustainability, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority / WFEO-CEE Chair

- Jose Vieira, WFEO President

- Jean Eudes Moncomble, Chair, WFEO Committee on Energy: WFEO Statement on Energy and Climate Change
- Kirils Holstovs, WFEO Young Engineers / Future Leaders - WG on Climate Action: Young Engineers Driving Action at COP
- Valentina Putrino, Chair, EEFIT Committee, SECED Representative, Member, WFEO Committee on Disaster Risk Management
- Ignacio Gonzalez-Castelao, Chair, WFEO Committee on Water / Deputy to CEO at Acuamed: Adaptation to Climate Change: Water and Engineering
- Jianping Wu, Beijing’s Tsinghua University
- Marlene Kanga, WFEO President 2017-2019: Climate Change Education in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) through Curriculum Development and Teacher Training in Schools
- Dawn Bonfield, Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence, King’s College London, Director, Towards Vision
- Yetunde Holloway, Chair of WFEO Committee on Women in Engineering: The work of the WFEO Women in Engineering Committee to address Climate Change through a Gender Perspective




Links: 网络研讨会注册 - Zoom

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