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GONG Jinlong

GONG Jinlong

GONG Jinlong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee, Vice President and Peiyang Chair Professorship of Tianjin University. Included in the first group of national “Ten Thousand Talents Program”, he is a recipient of the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Yangtze River Scholarship of Ministry of Education, chief scientist for projects of National Key R&D Program, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Prof. Gong is mainly engaged in the higher education management as well as teaching and research of chemical engineering. He has successively directed more than 30 National Key R&D Program projects and key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

He has over 300 papers published in major international academic journals; and more than 100 invention patents filed in US and China. He is a winner of the second prize of National Natural Science Award, the 1st Scientific Exploration Award, the special prize of the 15th China Youth Science and Technology Award, the first prize of State-level Teaching Achievement of Higher Education, etc. He is included by Clarivate in the “Global Highly Cited Researchers” and rated by Elsevier as “China’s Highly Cited Scholar”. 

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