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Romildo Dias TOLEDO FILHO, D.Sc., Full Professor of the Civil Engineering Department of Institute for Postgraduate Studies and Research in Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ). Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Director of COPPE/UFRJ; Head of the Sustainability Center for Research and Education on Environmental Friendly Materials and Technologies (NUMATS) of COPPE/UFRJ; Head of the Laboratory of Structures and Materials (LABEST) of the Civil Engineering Department of  COPPE/UFRJ; President of the Brazilian Society for Non Conventional Materials (ABMTENC). Member of the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials Systems and Structures (RILEM), Member of the American Society of Civil Engineering, Member of the American Concrete Institute, Member of the Brazilian Concrete Institute, Member of the Brazilian Committee for Big Dams. Academic Achievement: 199 papers published in peer reviewed journals; 5 books edited; 328 papers published in proceedings of conferences.

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