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ZHENG Qinghua

ZHENG Qinghua

ZHENG Qinghua, Vice-President of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Member of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Education, Chairman of the Steering Committee on Computer Instruction of the Ministry of Education, and Winner of the National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists. He is the person in charge of the Innovation Team of National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Innovative Team under Ministry of Education, Shanxi Key Scientific and Technological InnovationTeam, and the “Computer network and system structure” National Teaching Team.

His research field is big data knowledge engineering, and has published more than 160 papers, and won 64 national invention patents and 2 international PCT patents. His main awards include three Second Class of the State Science and Technology Progress Awards, one First Class of the National Teaching Achievement Award, one Second Class of the National Teaching Achievement Award, and six Ministerial and Provincial-Level Science and Technology Progress Awards.

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