Professor Heng Chye Kiang is the Provost's Professor at the College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore, where he was the former Dean of School of Design and Environment (SDE) (2007 to 2016) and the Head of its Department of Architecture prior to his deanship. He teaches and researches urban history, sustainable urban design and planning, and publishes widely in these areas. Professor Heng has served on the boards of government agencies. He is currently appointed Honorary Professor at CUHK and has been appointed Visiting Professor at Hanyang University (Korea), Keio University (Japan), Southeast University, Chang'an University, Xiamen University and Tongji University (China) and EAVT (France). He has served as a jury member in numerous international design competitions and on several editorial boards of international journals. He is also planning consultant to several award-winning urban planning and design projects in Asia.