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Online education policy section in China

As many of you have requested, we would like to provide an overview of some of the important online education-related policy in China, in ...【Details】


Special Dialogue: Online Education in the COVID-19 Response and Beyond

Tsinghua University and UNESCO join hands in exploring solutions On the evening of April 24th, Beijing time, a Special Dialogue was hel...【Details】


Launch Ceremony of the xuetangX International Version

  Together with the successful launch of the xuetangX International Version which was held earlier this week on April 20...【Details】


World Book Day‘s books recommendation for online education

[Book 1]  Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools Recommended by Xiaoxiao Wang (General Secretary, PRC Ministry of...【Details】


University President Forum A: Challenges for Engineering Education and World Class Engineering Education

    Reflections on the Development of Engineering Education in China Lin Zhongqin President, Shanghai Jiaotong Unive...【Details】


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