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2021 Engineering for Sustainable Development Symposium

2021 Engineering for Sustainable Development Symposium

2021 Engineering for Sustainable Development Symposium






Time:  20:00-22:00, December 9, 2021Beijing Time



Theme: Engineering for Sustainable Development




Live streaming: XuetangX



Organizer: International Centre for Engineering Education under the auspices  

                    of UNESCO (ICEE)




  • World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)
  • Aalborg Centre for Problem Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustainability under the auspices of UNESCO (UCPBL)


  • 世界工程组织联合会
  • 奥尔堡大学基于问题的学习与工程科技可持续发展中心



Welcome Address开幕致辞20:00-20:15

Moderator: WU Qidi, Director of ICEE, Former Vice Minister of Education, China

主持人:吴启迪 国际工程教育中心主任、教育部原副部长

20:00 – 20:05

Introduction (5 minutes)

介绍 (5分钟)

20:05 – 20:10

Shahbaz Khan, Director of the UNESCO Office in Beijing

夏泽翰 联合国教科文组织驻华代表处主任

20:10 – 20:15

YANG Bing, Executive Director of ICEE, Vice President of Tsinghua University

杨斌 清华大学副校长、国际工程教育中心执行主任


Invited Speech特邀报告(20:15-21:25

Moderator: WANG Sunyu, Vice Executive Director & Secretary of ICEE, Professor at Institution of Education, Tsinghua University

主持人:王孙禺 国际工程教育中心执行副主任兼秘书长,清华大学教育研究院教授


20:15 –20:25

Topic 1: UNESCO Engineering initiative


Peggy OTI-BOATENG, Director, Division of Science Policy and Capacity-Building, UNESCO

佩琪 联合国教科文组织科学政策与能力建设部主任

20:25 – 20:35

Topic 2: International Engineering Alliance GAPC New Revision


Elizabeth Taylor, Washington Accord Executive Committee Chair, International Engineering Alliance

伊丽莎白·泰勒 国际工程联盟华盛顿协议主席

20:35 – 20:45

Topic 3: Engineering Education for a More Sustainable World


Marlene Kanga, President (2017-2019), President of World Federation of Engineering Organizations

马琳·坎加 世界工程组织联合会主席(2017-2019)

20:45 – 20:55

Topic 4: Engineering Education for The Future


Anette Kolmos, Director at Aalborg Centre for Problem Based Learning in Science, Engineering and Sustainability, Aalborg University, Denmark

安妮特·科莫斯 丹麦奥尔堡大学UNESCO工程科学与可持续性问题学习中心主任

20:55 – 21:05

Topic 5: Engineering to accelerate delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals


GONG KE, President of World Federation of Engineering Organizations

龚克 世界工程组织联合会主席

21:05 – 21:15

Topic 6: Regional Trends in Engineering


YUAN Si, Executive Director of ICEE, Vice Chairperson of Tsinghua University Council

袁驷 国际工程教育中心执行主任、清华大学校务委员会副主任

21:15 – 21:25

Topic 7: Development Trend of Engineering Education

Jesse Zhu, Chair of Engineering Education Committee of CAETS, Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering


祝京旭 国际工程与技术科学院理事会(CAETS) 工程教育委员会主席 、加拿大工程院院士



Discussion 讨论(21:25-22:00

Moderator: KANG Jincheng, Strategic Expert of ICEE, Former

Director of Bureau of International Cooperation at Chinese Academy of Engineering

主持人:康金城 国际工程教育中心特聘专家、中国工程院原国际合作局局长


Conclusion 会议结束 22:00

Tsinghua University| Chinese Academy of Engineering| UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education
School of environment, Tsinghua University| School of mechanical engineering, Tsinghua University
International Engineering Education Center| Quanser| SHANDONG HEAVY INDUSTRY GROUP| 清控科创| National Instruments| Shining 3D| Math Works
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