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Adapting to Global Disruption: Meeting the challenge with integrative, holistic, and sustainable engineering.

Adapting to Global Disruption: Meeting the challenge with integrative, holistic, and sustainable engineering.

For years the WEEF & GEDC conferences have been invaluable forums where educators, students, engineers and industry representatives have gathered to prepare for a future of global disruption. The past two years have accelerated the global reality as the Covid-19 pandemic has firmly planted us in a state of global disruption. We are no longer preparing: we are here, in the midst of disruption, coming together to reflect on our contexts. The themes of the 2022 WEEF & GEDC conference, collocated with the AEEA 2022 conference, can be represented by these questions:

How have we adapted to global disruption?
How do we create stable environments that are less vulnerable, more resilient to global disruption?
How do we meet this challenge of global disruption that is bound to be the status quo for the foreseeable future?


If we approach these challenges in an integrative (multidisciplinary, interinstitutional, cross-cultural, inclusive, diverse, trusting and ethical) manner, we will create holistic learning and engineering environments (that meet the cognitive, affective and systemic needs of society, students, academia and industry) which will create sustainable (safer, peaceful and cohesive planet) solutions for our future.




Theme – WEEF&GEDC Conference 2022 (weefgedc2022.org)

Tsinghua University| Chinese Academy of Engineering| UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education
School of environment, Tsinghua University| School of mechanical engineering, Tsinghua University
International Engineering Education Center| Quanser| SHANDONG HEAVY INDUSTRY GROUP| 清控科创| National Instruments| Shining 3D| Math Works
学堂在线| China Academy of Space Technology| Hua He Capital
Tsinghua University.      All Rights Reserved
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