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ICEE Attends the Unveiling Ceremony of UNESCO Chair in Green Transition for Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change

ICEE Attends the Unveiling Ceremony of UNESCO Chair in Green Transition for Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change

On April 14, 2023, the unveiling ceremony of UNESCO Chair in Green Transition of Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change was held in Beijing. QIN Changwei, Secretary-General of the Secretariat of China National Commission for UNESCO, Shahbaz Khan, Director of the UNESCO Office in Beijing, WU Xiaolin, President of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Prof. WANG Sunyu, Deputy Executive Director and Secretary General of ICEE, and QIAO Weifeng, a research associate professor of ICEE, attended the ceremony.
Prof. WANG Sunyu firstly extended congratulations to China University of Petroleum on its inauguration as the UNESCO Chair in Green Transition of Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change. He said that ICEE would deepen its cooperation with China University of Petroleum in all respects to work together to help developing countries, share open educational resources, accelerate the global knowledge flow on green transition of energy, and support the development of Africa and women’s participation in engineering, within the purposes and framework of UNESCO.


Unveiling the UNESCO Chair (Prof. WANG Sunyu in the front row, the first right)

WANG Sunyu, WU Xiaolin, Badhiel Chuol Kai Thong, the First Secretary of the Embassy of South Sudan in China, RUI Zhenhua, the holder of the UNESCO Chair in Green Transition for Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change, and guests from many countries unveiled the Chair. Attendees included nine academicians from Chinese and foreign Academy of Engineering and Academy of Sciences, more than 40 representatives from universities and enterprises and over 550 scholars.

The UNESCO Chair Programme, established in 1992, aims to promote resource sharing, information exchange, and collaboration work among international universities and research institutions. The UNESCO Chair in Green Transition of Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change at China University of Petroleum is the 23rd UNESCO Chair in China. ICEE will actively work with the Chair to explore ways to build world-class systems of engineering education and training with China characteristics, and promote the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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