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WU Manqing, Vice President of CAE Conducts Research of CIEDS and ICEE

WU Manqing, Vice President of CAE Conducts Research of CIEDS and ICEE

On May 25, WU Manqing, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) along with his team, visited Tsinghua University to conduct research of the Chinese Institute of Engineering Development Strategies (CIEDS) and the UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education (ICEE). More than 20 experts participated in the research, including Prof. ZENG Rong, Vice President of Tsinghua University, Prof. YUAN Si, Vice Chairperson of Tsinghua University Council and Executive Director of ICEE, as well as experts from the Bureau of International Cooperation of CAE, the Graduate School of Tsinghua University, as well as from the CIEDS and the ICEE. LI Qingshan, Deputy Director of the CAE Strategic Consulting Centre, presided over the research.

This research includes two parts, the first is symposium. At the symposium, WU Manqing pointed out that recently CAE carried out a series of research activities around the theme of “building a practical industry academy system and strengthening science and technology strategic consulting”, and the research to Tsinghua University is an important part. It is hoped that through this research, the construction and operation management of the industry institute will be further optimized and improved, and the industry institute will be promoted to better serve the construction of the national high-end think tank of the CAE, better serve the scientific decision-making of the country, and promote the high-quality development of the economy and society.


WU Manqing making remarks

ZENG Rong extended a warm welcome to WU Manqing and his team to carry out research at Tsinghua University, and expressed his gratitude for CAE’s long-term support and assistance for CIEDS, ICEE and Tsinghua University. Then, he briefly introduced the progress made in the construction of Tsinghua's national key laboratories as well as the experience gained in industry-education-research collaboration, think tank centres and the Great Wall Engineering Conferences (GWEC). Besides, he stressed that CIEDS and ICEE should fully grasp and implement the guidelines of CAE and continue to serve as the bridge for deeper cooperation between the CAE and Tsinghua University. Tsinghua University will, as always, spare no effort to support the construction of CIEDS and ICEE, and welcome more valuable advice and guidance from Vice President WU and other CAE leaders.


ZENG Rong making remarks

Prof. YUAN Si pointed out that despite tough challenges in its actual operation, ICEE has always adhered to the principle of national interest above all else, and has made significant achievements by making full use of limited resources; at the same time, it has also demonstrated a high sense of responsibility. Furthermore, he expressed his gratitude to CAE for providing this opportunity for in-depth communication, and expected more support from CAE in terms of human and financial resources.


YUAN Si making remarks

Associate Professor ZHOU Yuan, Vice President of CIEDS, and Prof. WANG Sunyu, Deputy Executive Director and Secretary General of ICEE, gave detailed reports on the construction background, overall work progress and future plans of CIEDS and ICEE, respectively.


ZHOU Yuan and WANG Sunyu making remarks respectively

During the discussion session, the participants conducted in-depth exchanges. Finally, Vice President WU Manqing made a concluding speech. He fully affirmed the fruitful achievements made by CIEDS and ICEE in their respective scientific research fields. In addition, he also expressed his hope that the opinions and suggestions put forward by CIEDS and ICEE could be further translated into concrete solutions, and that their achievements made in consulting research and international exchanges could be sorted out to facilitate their work in the future. He further stated that CAE will fully support CIEDS and ICEE to make them first-class think tanks and international exchange platforms in terms of strategic consultation on engineering science and technology and engineering education in China.After the symposium moves to the second part. Vice President Wu Manqing and his team visited the workplaces at CIEDS and ICEE.

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