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ICEE Co-hosts the Online Education Dialogue 2023

ICEE Co-hosts the Online Education Dialogue 2023

On May 17, Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance, Tsinghua University, XuetangX and the International Centre for Engineering Education under the auspices of UNESCO (ICEE) jointly organized the first event of the Online Education Dialogue 2023 themed “Navigating the AI-Driven Digital Transformation of Higher Education”. The first dialogue session was centered around “Unraveling and Embracing AI in Higher Education:Practices Opportunities Challenges Future ”. PENG Gang, Vice President and Provost of Tsinghua University, and Chair of the Executive Committee of the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance, delivered the opening speech.
This dialogue is aimed at sharing insights into and practical experiences of the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education, discussing the challenges and opportunities brought about by AI in higher education, exploring the role of AI in reshaping the future of higher education, promoting international cooperation and knowledge sharing, and boosting the AI-driven digital transformation in higher education.


PENG Gang delivering the opening speech

In his speech, PENG Gang mentioned that the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance was established to bring together the strengths of leading universities and platforms across the world to contribute to the realization of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He called for global cooperation to explore the new field of the AI-driven digital transformation of higher education, so as to create a more fair, high-quality, and better future of higher education. He expressed his hope that through global dialogue and cooperation, a global online learning community for the intelligent era can be built to advance the AI-driven digital transformation of higher education.

This dialogue was broadcast live worldwide by XuetangX in both Chinese and English, and has been converted into an online course that is available globally. Approximately 2,000 people watched the dialogue.

XuetangX is the first global partner of ICEE. Both sides have actively explored the deep integration of online education and engineering education, promoted the sharing of high-quality engineering education resources worldwide, and contributed to the cultivation of outstanding talents with global competence.

Tsinghua University| Chinese Academy of Engineering| UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education
School of environment, Tsinghua University| School of mechanical engineering, Tsinghua University
International Engineering Education Center| Quanser| SHANDONG HEAVY INDUSTRY GROUP| 清控科创| National Instruments| Shining 3D| Math Works
学堂在线| China Academy of Space Technology| Hua He Capital
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