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ICEE Attends the 2023 Expanded Meeting of the Academic Committee of CEEAA

ICEE Attends the 2023 Expanded Meeting of the Academic Committee of CEEAA

On October 21-22, the expanded meeting of China Engineering Education Accreditation Association (CEEAA) was held in Ningbo, Zhejiang. Prof. GU Peihua and Prof. CHEN Dao Xu, Director and Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of CEEAA, some members of the Committee, HOU Yongfeng, Researcher of the Science and Technology Division of the Department of Higher Education of Ministry of Education, China, and ZHOU Aijun, Executive Director and Secretary-General of CEEAA and Deputy Director of the Education Quality Evaluation Agency of the Ministry of Education, attended the meeting. The meeting extensively discussed three topics, i.e., summary and planning of the accreditation work, revision of the accreditation standards, and development of training plans, teaching materials and cases studies. Prof. WANG Sunyu, Deputy Executive Director and Secretary-General of International Centre for Engineering Education under the auspices of UNESCO (ICEE), Prof. YU Xinjie of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, and QIAO Weifeng, an associate professor of research of ICEE were invited to attend the meeting. Prof. YU Xinjie gave a report titled Value Shaping of Engineering Students. He analyzed the important role of values cultivation in engineering education. Based on Tsinghua University's talent cultivation philosophy of integrating "value shaping, ability cultivation and knowledge imparting" and his teaching experience, he also discussed the realization paths and evaluation methods of value shaping in engineering education.

Prof. YU Xinjie gives a report

QIAO Weifeng delivered a report titled Reflections and Recommendations on the Revision of Graduate Attributes. He introduced the key points of the revision of the benchmark framework of Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies (GAPC) of the International Engineering Alliance (IEA) and the proposed revision draft of Graduate Attributes of CEEAA. Following the report, the participating experts had a heated discussion.
In September, 2019, ICEE was invited to fully participate in the revision of the international standards of the IEA's GAPC, and made recommendations for the revision of CEEAA's standards.

ZHOU Aijun, Secretary-General of CEEAA, pointed out in his summary that since the GAPC standard framework in UN’s six official languages was released by IEA in June 2023, all participants in the accreditation work in China, such as relevant experts, universities and front-line teachers, have actively taken action to implement it. On the premise of substantial equivalency and clear connotation, they have been striving to make the standards "China-oriented" to express new connotations in the context of China, so as to promote the reform of engineering education through the accreditation work.

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