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ICEE Hosts Seminar on Engineering and Technology Education for Future Industries

ICEE Hosts Seminar on Engineering and Technology Education for Future Industries

October 23, the Seminar on Engineering and Technology Education for Future Industries of the 2021 China Annual Conference For International Education & Expo (CACIE) was held at the Beijing International Convention Center. The Seminar was sponsored by China Education Association for International Exchange and organized by Lanzhi Education Foundation, a national first-level foundation under the Ministry of Education of China. More than 50 principals of applied science and technology universities and vocational technical colleges participated in the event. At the invitation of Lanzhi Education Foundation, WANG Sunyu, Deputy Executive Director & Secretary General of ICEE, moderated the seminar, and QIAO Weifeng delivered a keynote speech.

YU Yougen, Deputy Secretary General of the Secretariat of China Education Association for International Exchange, ZHANG Xuesong, Chairman of Lanzhi Education Foundation, DIAO Mingsheng, Former Ambassador to the Republic of Benin, and JIA Yimin, Former President of Huaqiao University attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

                                           Upper Left: YU Yougen; Upper right: ZHANG Xuesong; 

                                           Bottom Left: ZHAO Zhiqun; Bottom Right: QIAO Weifeng

ZHAO Zhiqun, a professor of Beijing Normal University and a member of the National Vocational Education Guidance Advisory Committee, and QIAO Weifeng, an assistant researcher of ICEE, delivered keynote speeches. Prof. ZHAO Zhiqun explored the quality and effectiveness of international education cooperation projects, and introduced the planning of future international cooperative education project and the major approach of effect tracking evaluation. Dr. QIAO Weifeng distinguished the talents cultivation orientation for different types of engineers and technicians in the engineering education continuous spectrum and pointed out the new characteristics of engineering personnel's professional competencies requirements under the background of technology acceleration and industrial transformation, which can be reflected by the revision of International Engineering Alliance Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies (GAPC) international benchmark. He also discussed the opportunities, challenges and development trends of engineering technology education. In the best practice sharing session, two presidents of vocational technical colleges in Guangxi shared the practices and thoughts of international schooling. During the seminar, Lanzhi Education Foundation released the project of "Technical and Engineering Education for Future Industries".

The theme of CACIE 2021 is New Opportunities and Prospects for Building an Open and High-Quality Education System. CACIE 2021 was attended and addressed by many renowned delegates from all over the world, including HUAI Jinpeng, Minister of Education of China, LIU Limin, President of China Education Association for International Exchange, Susan Acland-Hood, Permanent Secretary of Department for Education, UK, Chan Chun Sing, Minister of Education, Singapore and Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO. 

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