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Prof. YU Shouwen Receives ICF Takeo Yokobori Gold Medal, and Prof. WANG Sunyu Receives Outstanding Contribution Award for Engineering Education Research

Prof. YU Shouwen Receives ICF Takeo Yokobori Gold Medal, and Prof. WANG Sunyu Receives Outstanding Contribution Award for Engineering Education Research

On June 16, 2023, the 2023 International Conference on Fracture, organized by the International Congress on Fracture (ICF), was held in Atlanta, USA. Prof. YU Shouwen, a member of the Advisory Board of ICEE and former Vice President of Tsinghua University, was awarded the ICF Takeo Yokobori Gold Medal and became the first Chinese recipient of the award.

Prof. YU Shouwen

Founded in 1965, ICF is the largest and oldest academic organization of fracture discipline in the world. Prof. YU served as the ICF President from 2013 to 2017. As one of the important activities of ICF, the International Conference on Fracture is held every four years and attracted experts and scholars from nearly 50 countries in 2023. Prof. YU was unable to receive the award in person due to a busy work schedule, and entrusted his postdoctoral fellow CHEN Zengtao, a member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a professor of the University of Alberta, to accept the award on his behalf.

CHEN Zengtao, a member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a professor from the University of Alberta, accepts the award on behalf of Prof. YU Shouwen

On June 3, 2023, the High-end Forum on China’s Science and Education Development & the 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Institute of China’s Science, Technology and Education Policy (ICSTEP), Zhejiang University took place in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. At the forum, Prof. WANG Sunyu, Deputy Executive Director and Secretary-General of ICEE and a professor of the Institute of Education, Tsinghua University, and WANG Peimin, a professor of Zhejiang University, were awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award for Engineering Education Research.

The Outstanding Contribution Award for Engineering Education Research aims to pay a tribute to experts and scholars who have made outstanding contributions to the reform and development of engineering education in China, and set role models for China’s engineering education.

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